Make Sure You Do These 4 Things at Your Condo Association Annual Meeting


Florida Condominium rules and regulations are subject to the Florida Condominium Act. It is important to understand what is needed for condo association annual meetings as regulations make the occurrences of these meetings mandatory and clearly outline how to conduct them. 

Experts at Wise Property Management, a St. Petersburg condominium management company, have outlined all Florida requirements for condo association annual meetings. Ensure the following tasks are completed at your annual meeting to meet all needed requirements.


1) Majority of Voting Interests Required to be Present in Person

Some of the most important aspects of a St. Petersburg condo association management meeting surround the majority of the association being present. Since annual meetings are generally where voting happens, important decisions are made, and updates for the following year are provided, having all members present is a must. 

Ensure the following rules are met when it comes to member attendance in your next condo association meeting: 

  • The majority of the voting interests are needed at an annual meeting unless otherwise outlined in the bylaws.
  • Unit owners must vote in person, not by proxy, unless otherwise stated in the association’s code. If previously stated, proxies may be used to meet required attendance numbers.
  • Participation in a meeting electronically counts toward meeting attendance numbers (a quorum).

Section 718.128 of the Florida Condominium Act allows electronic voting as long as all unit owners and code sections permit internet-based online systems. If you are unsure of the approved system, a condo association management company local to your area can help ensure everything is as it should be.


2) Annual Meeting Must be Held Within 45 Miles of the Condominium Property

It should not be surprising to know that a requirement of condo association annual meetings is to hold the meeting at a location accessible to most of those who are part of the association. 

The location agreed upon for the condo association annual meeting should be outlined in the community’s bylaws. This location should be within 45 miles of the property unless otherwise agreed upon in the aforementioned bylaws. 

The one exception to this rule is for associations that have timeshare condominiums. Given that those who belong to these associations may be more spread out by nature, a location outlined in the bylaws will dictate the best place to hold the annual meeting.


3) Written Notice of the Annual Meeting Must be Provided at Least 14 Days Before the Annual Meeting

Giving community members plenty of time to know about the meeting is important to ensure all residents can attend. Planning ahead and sharing the agenda at least 14 days before the annual meeting meets requirements for condo association annual meetings. 

This notice can be delivered 14 days before the meeting via mail or electronically delivered. A local St. Petersburg Condo Association Management company can help ensure all notices are sent in the right timeline relating to the annual meetings that are happening. 

When in doubt, leaning on a management company to ensure all requirements are being met is a sure way to know you are conducting all condo association business accurately and up to Florida code regulations.


4) The Agenda Must be Posted at the Condominium Property at Least 14 Days Before the Annual Meeting

While specific timing must be followed, another key requirement is that the notice of the annual meeting must be posted on the property following the same 14-day time frame that the notice must be provided. 

Following these four steps are essential to following all condo association annual meeting rules. The best way to ensure you are following all requirements is by letting a St. Petersburg Condominium management company regulate the annual meeting. 

From agenda creation to ensuring notices are posted with the correct amount of time, a management service ensures all needs are met so you can focus on the most important thing – running a smooth and productive annual meeting! 

Request a proposal today, or call us at (813) 968-5665 to learn more about our St. Petersburg condominium management services.

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