High-quality Tampa condo management includes finding service vendors that you need to support your condo association. That means finding resources for repairs, upkeep, cleaning, maintenance, and any other services that your Tampa Association management provides. A property management company like Wise Property Management does this for you, but it is important to understand the process.
Read on to learn about soliciting bids from vendors and how to choose the best one to fit your needs.
Develop a Request for Bids
Developing a request for bids is the first step in the process. Your request goes out to vendors that service your area and contains all of the relevant descriptions of the company that you are looking for.
The RFB is a document that outlines the work you need done and the criteria for choosing the best vendor. A good RFB should include:
- A timeline of when you need the work to be completed
- The requirements and specifications of the project (e.g., how many employees need to be on site, what materials will be used)
- The process for selecting a vendor
- Any additional details about how you want the work done
It’s important that your RFB includes as much detail as possible, so that vendors can submit bids that match your needs. If it doesn’t, then they might not bid on your project at all.
Distribute Your Request for Bids
Once the RFB is finished, the next step is distributing it to vendors in the area. You can do this by sending it to vendors directly or by posting it to resource boards like Angie’s List where vendors can find work.
Next, collect the bids that are submitted and review them. Before making any decisions, wait a considerable amount of time. Then, set a deadline so that you know when you can start to move forward with the bids that you received.
Evaluate Submissions
Solicitations for bids are a great way to get the best prices from vendors. It’s important to consider several factors when evaluating submissions in order to choose a vendor that will provide exceptional service.
First, focus on vendors with good reputations. Check references and ask other organizations how their service is. Reputable companies will always have reviews from other customers available.
Also, check their pricing structure. You want to know everything about pricing upfront so that there are no hidden fees. Make sure that the services are something that you can effectively budget for as well.
Choose the Winning Bids
The next step is choosing the bids that work best for you. Make sure that you look at the bids individually and as a whole. Picking a single bid that is exceptional, but eats up most of your budget so that you have to compromise everywhere else, means that you will get less-satisfactory service in other areas of your association management. Pick a set of bids that work well together, that you can afford, and that come from good companies.
Talk to the Winners to Negotiate a Deal
Contact the winning bids and start the negotiation process. You need to have an idea of a deal that you can get before committing to the service. Negotiating ensures that you get the best possible deal for your needs.
Finalize the Contract
Finally, you’ll need to finalize and sign all of the contracts with the vendors to lock in their services. At this point, the process is finished until the contracts expire. Monitor the work that your vendors do and keep detailed records to help you decide if you want to keep or switch vendors when the contract expires.
To learn more about Tampa condo management and how it can help with Tampa association management, contact Wise Property Management through our proposal request form. We help condo owners manage their properties and communities.