Does Your HOA Need a Management Service?

It is entirely possible for an HOA to self-manage a community, but this often results in a lot of problems. Managing a community takes time, energy, money, and resources to keep everything running smoothly. Unfortunately, many communities run into problems trying to move in the right direction, leading to a slow breakdown in the HOA and the community. A St. Petersburg HOA management company can help keep your HOA and community working smoothly. 

Related: What Services Does a Tampa HOA Property Management Company Offer?

Disorganized Processes and Paperwork

Self-managed HOAs tend to be disorganized, which is the source of many of its problems. For example, misplacing paperwork can lead to errors in rules enforcement. While this can lead to social issues between the HOA and the community, it can also lead to legal issues. HOAs are legal entities that are required to keep paperwork and address problems in accordance with their governing documents. Failing to do so can result in legal actions against the HOA or the individual members in some cases. 

Hiring a St. Petersburg association management company can alleviate problems with disorganization. Management companies have more resources to dedicate to keeping community administrations organized. This includes keeping the proper documentation and complying with governing documents. 

Unclear Accounts Receivables 

Nothing gets an HOA into trouble faster than unclear accounts receivables. As a legal entity, the HOA can collect payments for specific requirements. However, this also means that the HOA must also be able to keep well-managed records of payments. If the HOA cannot do this, then it risks getting into legal trouble over poor money management issues. 

As larger and more professionally equipped organizations, management companies have the resources to better manage the community’s accounts receivables. The key is detailed documentation that is generated and filed in-house. This makes recordkeeping more reliable and can help keep HOAs from having payment management issues. 

Related: The 4 Drawbacks of Self-Managing a Condominium Association

Need On-Site Management

Many people think that management companies only work remotely and can’t fit the needs of communities that need on-site management. This is not true as many management companies have mastered the ability to manage a community remotely. Some on-site duties are still required, such as inspecting homes for rules violations, but management companies usually hire someone to do this on-site. That person is thoroughly vetted to make sure that they are not a problem for the community, and their only job is to drive around and report problems. Management companies can find other people to work on-site if needed, too. 

Manage Disputes

Disputes with HOAs are never enjoyable and can turn into a larger issue within the community. Hiring a St. Petersburg association management company can prevent some of these issues by having the company handle any disputes. This can be done fairly and equitably so that community members can trust that the management company will handle disputes properly. 

Are you ready to work with one of the top St. Petersburg HOA management companies that makes life easier for you and your board members and improves the value of your property?  If so, submit our proposal request form today!

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