What Your Tampa HOA Can Learn from Past Hurricanes

One month into summer and the skies are already getting darker, the weather less predictable, and the rain more plentiful. Gray skies and temperamental rain can make a lump form in your HOA’s throat. If the past is any indication, hurricane season can severely disrupt day-to-day operations in your neighborhood. It’s important to stay on your toes during hurricane season. Looking into the past can provide helpful insights on how to cope with Florida’s extreme summer weather.

In this short article, the Tampa HOA property management specialists at Wise Property Management will reflect on the past and provide tips for HOAs looking to minimize inconvenience for residents this hurricane season.

Implement a Communications Plan

Clear communication is an essential part of minimizing damage to your neighborhood’s property during hurricane season. Long-time residents of Florida are accustomed to the chaos and confusion that arise during a hurricane, but there are steps you can take to avoid potential pandemonium. It’s important to delegate a messenger and provide them with the means to communicate important messages to the rest of the community. Make sure you have multiple forms of contact listed for every resident and prepare emergency message templates so you can quickly disseminate information before communication is cut off.

Update the Community

If your community was hit by hurricanes in the past, you probably recall a time when one of your residents needed to be reminded about the location of emergency exits, what to do if the power went out, or the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane warning. Developing an annual presentation to show your residents before hurricane season will help prepare your residents for any severe weather. Establish basic guidelines for important tasks like securing outdoor furniture, following evacuation procedures, and creating at-home emergency kits. A knowledgeable community is more likely to stay safe during a hurricane.

Takes Photos and Review Insurance Policies

Hurricanes are unpredictable. Category 3 hurricanes have come and gone with barely a whimper, and Category 1 storms have torn city blocks apart. You never know what type of storm you’ll be dealing with until it is floating above your head. Take photos of the property before any damage can be incurred. Photos are indelible proof that your information is accurate if you are forced to file an insurance claim. Photograph all common areas and the building itself. Take some time to review your insurance policy and make sure your coverage is up-to-date, too.

For information about Tampa Association Management, please submit our proposal request form.

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